4 simple ways to get the most out of your workout hour

Posted by William Dutan on

How to get the most out of your workout duration 

  • First , clear your mind from all the to-do lists for that day.  They will take your focus, concentration away and make you lose some valuable  workout time.
  • Second, remind yourself of your health and fitness goals.  Because when you have a clear understanding of what you want  to accomplish, you are more likely to stick to your workout regimen.  In addition, listen , read, watch or say a motivational Mantra to get yourself in the right mindset, it  will get  you fired up and motivated for that workout you are about to do 
  • Third , have a plan. This is very important for someone who has limited amount of time to work out . You will spend a lot of time trying to figure out what to do. What to do instead . Plan for it the day before or right before you go to bed. it does not have to be very detailed or step by step . As long as you have a plan for what Muscle group you Will be training or what kind of workout you will be doing is more than enough. 
  • Fourth , minimize the gym talk with other gym goers.  you can easily lose 5 to 10 minutes of your workout time . Time that could be well spent on trying to finish your routine. Most people have to cut their work Short because they ran out of time .
  • Fifth: put the phone away. This is the number one culprit for losing valuable workout time. People watch the news, answer emails , text messages, look at their calendar and social media. In order to fully reap the benefits of exercise, your mind , your body and your soul has to be in the workout mode.  Instead leave the phone  in your car or in the locker . If you use it to listen to music, make a commitment to yourself that you will not do anything else with the phone except to listen to music .  
  • Lastly, don’t take too long of a rest.  If you are doing weight training,  1 minute if rest is more than enough. Unless you are doing  Olympic lifts or lifting super heavy. That’s the only time you will use a longer rest, lasting more than 2 minutes  . Let’s be realistic, the regular population is not doing that kind of training.